These services provide a streamlined whistleblowing or specialised complaint scheme as required by legislation or regulatory bodies with assessment and investigation of Public Interest Disclosure (PID) or whistle-blower complaints.
for third party independent assessment and complaint handling for confidential, restricted or anonymous notifications.
These investigations are undertaken to:
- meet legislative requirements to investigate reportable allegations (child protection), reportable incidents (NDIS) and concerns about aged care ;
- assist an employer with reporting potential breaches of regulatory obligations by employees where there is uncertainty or lack of evidence
- where there are employment related requirements regarding bullying, discrimination or harassment, or where there may be a potential need to make a regulatory notification.
- concerns regarding breach of regulatory obligations by regulated professionals such as nurses, doctors, allied health professionals, lawyers, accountants, banking and finance professionals (AFSL and qualification requirements).
Initial assessments and investigations regarding complaints of misconduct with regard to the applicable legislative and policy requirements, or where there is an alleged breach or failure to comply with regulatory obligations.
- to ensure compliance with legislation, statutory codes of conduct, ethical standards, value principles and standards of behaviour.
- to investigate recruitment and selection processes, conflicts of interest, procurement procedures and public accountability and governance / cooperate governance (private sector) compliance.
- for misconduct and the taking of disciplinary action, along with public sector accountability.
These services assess and investigate Code of Conduct complaints made against local council officials in accordance with the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils and Procedures (NSW) and Codes of Conduct for local councils in other states.
- for Preliminary Assessment and Code of Conduct investigations and accountability.